
Using Light to Treat Aging

Are you looking for a way to treat your sunspots, small veins, or blemishes? There’s a non-invasive solution that can be tailored to meet your skin needs, it’s called BroadBand Light (BBL) technology. The BBL treatment uses high-intensity pulses of light to treat damaged skin. The treatment is quick, with no downtime required. All you need is about 15 minutes, and you can have younger-looking skin, even tone and texture, and improved skin elasticity.

 What is BBL Skin Treatment?

The BBL laser treatment process that turns back time on aging is called photorejuvenation. The treatment uses short blasts of high-intensity light to produce younger-looking skin with no surgery and little to no recovery time. This treatment can be done on the face, neck, chest, legs, arms, and hands-on men and women alike.

So, how does it work? The light that is used during treatment changes to heat energy as it reaches the level of collagen beneath the skin surface. The heat energy then stimulates the skin and promotes collagen regeneration. Collagen is so important for helping the skin maintain its youthful appearance. Unfortunately, as we age, our skin loses collagen. So, by targeting the growth of collagen, the skin’s surface will be renewed. This renewed, refreshed layer of skin will leave you with even pigmentation, improved texture, and reduced redness.

What Conditions Can BBL Treat?

The secret to healthy, glowing, younger-looking skin is out! BBL face laser treatments can turn back the hands of time and reverse signs of aging. And the best part? There is no downtime required after your skin is treated!

Years of unprotected sun exposure can do a number on your skin, but BBL can reverse the damage. Here are some of the problems BBL treatments can help with:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Sun damage
  • Active acne
  • Rosacea
  • Vascular lesions and facial veins
  • Rough skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Unwanted hair
  • Redness
  • Age spots

What Can I Expect During BBL Treatment?

The best part about BBL treatment is that the process is quick and painless. The procedure can be customized for each patient, depending on what needs to be treated. The treatment could include three or four separate filters depending on the treatment areas. Each filter targets different skin issues. So, multiple skin conditions will be treated in just one single treatment.

Here’s what to expect for your BBL treatment:

  1. A cold gel will be applied to the targeted area, and you will be given dark glasses to wear to protect your eyes from the bright light.
  2. The BBL handpiece that gives off pulses of light will be applied to your skin. This is a smooth glass surface. During the treatment, you may feel a slight sting. The pain has been compared to the snapping of a small rubber band.

A series of four to six treatment sessions are recommended for maximum results.

Before and After BBL Treatment

With BBL skin treatment, you can have younger-looking skin without the need for surgery. So, it is no surprise this treatment is so popular. But, like any other procedure, there are some things that need to be done before and after treatment.

BBL Treatment before after

Before BBL Laser Treatment

  • Avoid sun exposure. This includes tanning beds and using self-tanners.
  • Stop using Kinerase Tretinoin, Retin A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, or any retinol-based product at least two days prior to treatment.
  • If you have a history of facial cold sores, you may need to take a prescription before your BBL treatment. You will want to make sure to talk to your health care provider about this issue before the treatment is done.

After BBL Laser Treatment

  • Use a cool pack to reduce any temporary redness, swelling, or tingling that may happen after treatment.
  • Avoid scrubbing or picking the skin that was treated.
  • Use SPF of 30 or higher through the course of treatment.

How Much Does BBL Therapy Cost?

The BBL treatment cost will depend on a couple of different questions:

  • What is the area you want to treat?
  • What is the size of the area that is being treated?
  • How many treatments will you need to achieve your goal?

Remember, each treatment plan is customized for your individual needs. So, you get to choose what area you want to see improvement on and when you think you have reached your maximum results. Most patients usually have 3-5 treatments done that are spaced out about 2-4 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are recommended every three to six months to slow the aging process. The cosmetic skincare experts at Winston Salem Dermatology will work with you on an estimate. We can determine how much your treatment will be after consultation about what results you are looking for.

Turn Back Signs of Aging with Winston Salem Dermatology

There is no better time than now to invest in taking care of your skin. And the first step to younger-looking skin is to make an appointment with Winston Salem Dermatology. Our skincare experts want to exceed your expectations for healthy, younger, looking skin. We want to know about your skincare dreams and help make them a reality. If you are interested in learning more about reducing redness, eliminating freckles, getting rid of age spots, and looking younger with BBL Treatment, then give us a call! Let us restore your natural, youthful glow. Call us today at (336) 774-8636 for a consultation.