
Xtrac Laser Treatments for Psoriasis, Eczema, and Vitiligo

There’s a unique light therapy that can tackle the most stubborn skin complaints and lesions, it’s called Xtrac laser. This laser therapy can treat psoriasis, cure some forms of eczema, and even help some cases of vitiligo. Best of all, the therapy doesn’t hurt and there’s no recovery time following the treatment. And if that wasn’t enough, Xtrac is safe even for children to use and most insurance plans will cover the treatment. Not every dermatology office is equipped with this laser. Winston Salem Dermatology is proud to offer this service to treat your skin conditions.

What is Xtrac Laser Therapy?

Xtrac laser uses light beams to target patches of skin that are affected by psoriasis or vitiligo. Xtrac laser therapy requires multiple sessions to be effective. Most patients need ten or fewer sessions between one to three times a week to see results. What makes this laser so unique is that it can treat any area of the body, even sensitive areas. It can also be used on patients at any age with any skin type. Only the affected tissues are treated, so this allows for higher doses on treatments because healthy tissues are not impacted. So, with the Xtrac laser treatment, the results are faster and fewer treatments are needed.

How Does Xtrac Laser Therapy Work?

This is the first laser of its kind to be approved for treating psoriasis. It is a small handheld device that your dermatologist can use in their office. It works by using a special light wavelength that is designed to target stubborn lesions. The laser penetrates the skin and breaks the DNA of the T cells. The T cells are what have multiplied to create psoriasis plaques. Xtrac removes difficult plaques and lesions where other therapies, like creams and medications, have failed. You can even receive treatments while you are pregnant, nursing, or on a variety of prescription medications.

Conditions Treated with Xtrac Laser

The most common use for Xtrac laser is to treat plaque psoriasis. Although the laser cannot cure psoriasis, it can shorten the duration of the flareups. The laser can even treat the most stubborn skin conditions in the most stubborn spots like on the elbows, knees, and genitals. Here the most common conditions the lasers are used for:


Psoriasis can be an embarrassing condition. While the red inflamed patches on the skin do not have a cure, the symptoms can be treated. Xtrac has been proven as an effective tool in minimizing and reducing flareups brought on from this chronic skin condition. Xtrac has also been effective in treating nail psoriasis and scalp psoriasis.


Eczema is another skin condition that does not have a cure. The condition usually begins in childhood and is sometimes mistaken for a rash. Finding out what triggers your eczema can help prevent flareups, but if that fails to bring relief, Xtrac laser treatments can minimize symptoms.


Vitiligo is a rare condition that happens when the cells that create pigment in the skin are attacked by your immune system. White patches of lost melanin show up on the skin, causing discolored patches all over the body. While there isn’t a cure, Xtrac laser vitiligo treatments can help soften the white patches.

What Can I Expect with Xtrac Therapy?

Xtrac is a handheld device that delivers UVB rays to the areas that are affected. The process is relatively painless, although some people have reported a slight burning sensation. The most common side effects after treatment are redness, itching, and tenderness. Sometimes blistering can happen in the areas that were treated, but these are typically mild.

Benefits of Xtrac Laser Treatment

Xtrac laser treatment is a quick treatment that only takes minutes. The laser is known to clear up mild to moderate plaques from psoriasis faster than natural sunlight or artificial UV light. There are several other benefits to Xtrac laser treatment:

  • Reduction and possible removal of lesions in 10 or fewer sessions
  • The surrounding skin isn’t affected
  • Symptom-free from chronic skin conditions for several months
  • A fast, comfortable, and easy treatment
  • Fewer sessions may be required than other treatments
  • No more complicated daily skincare routines
  • Hard to treat areas can be treated like the knees, elbows, and scalp

How Much Does Xtrac Laser Cost?

The good news is that most medical companies cover Xtrac laser therapy if it is considered necessary. You may need to apply for prior approval from your insurance company before you have the treatment done. Sometimes The National Psoriasis Foundation can help with appealing claims if you’ve been denied coverage. If you do have to end up paying out of pocket, you may find that this laser treatment is more expensive than other UVB treatments. But the shorter treatment time and longer results can offset the price.

Xtrac Laser Treatment at Winston Salem Dermatology

Have you had enough with persistent skin lesions? Then we want to hear from you. Winston Salem Dermatology can treat your chronic skin conditions. When your skin is healthy, we know that you look and feel so much better about yourself. And with a team of professional skincare specialists, we are here to help you enjoy a lifetime of beautiful, healthy skin. If you’re interested in finding out more about Xtrac laser treatment, give us a call today at (336) 774-8636.