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Current Special Offers

PDO Thread Lift

PDO stands for Polydioxanone, a synthetic absorbable surgical suture composed of polydioxanone. All sutures are FDA-approved and PDO sutures are one of the safest materials that can be used in the body. Your skin will fully absorb the Novathread within 4 to 6 months without leaving any scar tissue.


EMSCULPT® is the only procedure to help both women and men build muscle and sculpt their body. In addition, the EMSCULPT® creates the world's first non-invasive buttock toning procedure.

Vanquish Your Fat!

“Vanquish”, the latest in fat-reduction technology.

Non-Surgical fat reduction! “Vanquish” uses a focused-field radio frequency to zap fat without ever touching the patient’s body. It is approved for deep-tissue heating, a known method for targeting fat, and has minimal side effects.


Bellafill® for Nasolabial Folds (Smile Lines) collagen stimulating filler -- How It Works Bellafill® is an injectable filler that's FDA approved to treat nasolabial folds. These folds, sometimes called "smile lines," extend from the nose to the corners of [...]

Sculptra Aesthetic

Sculptra Aesthetic is used to correct shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds which are treated with the appropriate injection technique.